Saturday, September 1, 2007

Sample test questions on ASP.NET

Sample test questions for ASP.NET

The test questions that follow are typical of those you’ll find for the first three chapters of our book, Murach’s ASP.NET Web Programming with VB.NET. If you’re an instructor and request the Instructor’s Guide CD, you will of course get the complete set of tests for the book.

Multiple choice

1. The protocol that’s used by a web browser and a web server to communicate in a web application is





2. When a dynamic web page is requested, the web server passes the request to

A. the operating system

B. the browser

C. the web application

D. the application server

3. The file that contains the Visual Basic code for a web form is the

A. code-behind file

B. aspx file

C. assembly file

D. DLL file

4. Every time a web page is requested, all but one of the following occurs. Which one is it?

A. A page class is created from the HTML code for the page.

B. The page class and the Visual Basic assembly are compiled into a DLL.

C. The compiled page is executed to create an instance of the page class.

D. HTML is generated from the instantiated page class.

5. If you want the browser to determine the exact position of each element on a form, you should use

A. absolute positioning

B. grid layout mode

C. flow layout mode

D. HTML Server controls

6. To determine if a page is being loaded for the first time, you typically

A. test the IsPostBack property of the page

B. enable view state for the page

C. save an indicator in view state

D. save an indicator in session state

7. Which event occurs when you select an item from a drop-down list?

A. Click

B. TextChanged

C. CheckedChanged

D. SelectedIndexChanged

8. View state data is stored

A. in a hidden input field in the HTML for the page

B. in the HTML for the control

C. in a temporary file on the web server

D. in browser memory

9. Consider the following statement. What directory does the page reside in?


A. The Secure subdirectory of the host’s root directory

B. The Secure subdirectory of the current directory

C. The Secure directory at the same level in the directory structure as the current directory

D. The Secure directory one level up from the current directory

10. In which of these cases do you need to use view state with a drop-down list or list box?

A. If you want to save list items that are loaded in code the first time the page is loaded

B. If you want ASP.NET to raise the SelectedIndexChanged event when the user selects an item from the list

C. Both A and B

D. Neither A nor B

11. The validation that’s done by a required field validator is performed

A. when the user clicks a button whose CausesValidation property is set to True

B. on the client

C. on the server

D. all of the above

12. Session state is typically used for all but one of the following purposes. Which one is it?

A. To keep information about the user

B. To save objects that a user is working with

C. To keep track of pending operations

D. To keep track of the last web page that was requested

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